
Baltā nakts by previous theme

nuit blanche f (plural nuits blanches)
1.sleepless night
2.white night

There are one night in a year when you shouldn't go sleep because the city in this night will be transformed by artists and remarkable events raising level of city's artistic glam in brand higher level. This all-night art thing Nuit Blanche brings out magical audio-visual substance combined with the stunning performances (music, dance, film, art) and  is so charming that can really remake usual places (museums, art galleries, cultural institutions, social spots etc.) into something noteworthy and best -  it's free of charge.

This year is the 6th year of Nuit Blanche, some cities use french phrase: White Nights, La Notte Bianca (Italian), La Noche en Blanco (Spanish), Noaptea alba (Romanian), Nata e Bardhe (Albanian), Baltā Nakts in Latvian, some of them use their own: Lejl Imdawwal ("Lit Night") in Maltese, Virada Cultural in São Paulo, Taiteiden yö ("Night of the arts") in Finland, and Kulturnatten ("Night of Culture") in Copenhagen. Historically the name and event came from Saint Petersburg, Russia, where they have white night in actual sense - during certain period before and after polar day (is considered 11 June-2 July) the Sun does not set until 10 p.m., and the twilight lasts almost all night.
It is also considered that next who took idea of such art festival was France. The Nuit Blanche concept came from Jean Blaise, who founded the Centre de recherche pour le développement culturel (Research Center for Cultural Development) in Nantes, France, in 1984. He set in motion this idea of art night  and the first city hosting this event was Paris, which has had its famous Nuit Blanche festival since 2002.

At the end I wanted to post a true nowadays jewel of rarement beaux (rarely beautiful) who caught my eye not only for b&w cinematography, but also for the clear, impressive and surrealistically powerful mood of old threadbare thing- love at first sight. Even  more striking it appears because of slow-mo effects and all that is made by Maya Mental Ray and 3ds Max Vray. Pretty good- huh?!:)


Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.

Fiche du Court métrage

Nom : Nuit Blanche
: film, auteur
: Romance
: 2010
Réalisateurs :
Arev Manoukian
Musique : Samuel Bisson
Durée : 04:41
Langue :
Sans parole
Synopsis :
Tournure fantastique de la rencontre de 2 personnages…
Avis les courts-métrages.fr : La technique est parfaite, l’idée est simple pourtant mais alors la musique et l’ambiance donne tout le sens de ce court métrage. un petit bijoux
Bonus : Le making-of

Making Of Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.


Dzirdēts un gaidīts a must do pasākums "BALTĀ NAKTS 2011"*, rezervējiet nakti no 10. uz 11.septembri, lai piedalītos kādā/dos no 65 mākslas pasākumiem Rīgas telpā. Projektā darbosies Latvijas un starptautiskie mākslinieki. Šogad pasākums notiks arī netipiskākā zonās: tirdzniecības centrs, māju apsaimniekotāju kopiena, zīmolu veidotāji, literāti, jogas studija, vides apsaimniekotāji, plašsaziņas līdzekļi, izglītības iestādes, u.c.
Vairāk: http://www.kultura.riga.lv/public/38189.html

*Baltā nakts (šogad jau 6. reizi) piedāvās apmeklētājiem iepazīt un izbaudīt mākslas, teātra, mūzikas, kustības un citus mākslas projektus.“Baltā nakts” ir Eiropas galvaspilsētu Briseles, Madrides, Parīzes, Rīgas un Romas kopīgā projekta “Eiropas Baltās naktis” sastāvdaļa.

  Kā noteikts, viens no maniem favorītiem būs franču elektronika Spīķeru radošajā kvartālā ar DJ FiiiX (Pierre Cortes. Paris, France). Nodrošināts ar jaunākiem & aktuālākajiem elektrobītiem, apmeklētājs varēs ļauties uztveres tālākai fascinēšanai ar video un gaismu rotaļām, ko nodrošinās vēl viena Parīzes oga Gregory Duris. Šis audio-vizuālais vienas nakts medusmēnesis solās satricināt mūs un neatstāt vienaldzīgus.


wanna play?

I always enjoyed playing games. Recently in France on digital art lecture I have discovered interesting game scenes with stunning characters empowered with full "have fun" dose.
My favorite one is "Every day the same dream"(pic)- a little art game about alienation and refusal of labour. Made in 6 days for the Experimental Gameplay Project. You can cross paralelles with the comedy Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.
The next one you have to try is "MEMORY RELOADED: the downfall". Test your concentration on a quick experience similar to the card-matching game we've all played but updated for "these unstable times".

You can play also litlle bit defferent game called SPACE INVADER (from the same name game released in 1978).
Invader (born 1969) is a French urban artist who pastes up characters from and inspired by the Space Invaders game, made up of small coloured square tiles that form a mosaic. He does this in cities across the world, then documents this as an "Invasion", with books and maps of where to find each invader.
Invader started this project in 1998 with the invasion of Paris – the city where he lives and the most invaded city to date – and then spread the invasion to 31 other cities in France are now invaded with his colourful characters in mosaic tiles. The artist has also interesting artworks on the same topic- rubikcubism& mosaics.

check-id-out more:


learning french

Voilà! Learning french on your own can be litlle bit hard (lot of silent letters, not pronounced final consonants etc.), ofcourse if you have the powerful tools (read: tutorials) and wine (C'est magnifique!, French love elements of their food/wine culture and so am I) , it could turn to be a really pleasant time. My suggested free online tutorials for completely beginners:

Franču valoda ir skaista un diezgan niansēta, izruna no rakstības ļoti atšķirās, tāpēc, ja ir vēlme to patstāvīgi apgūt, neiztikt bez online mācību materiāliem un vīna* (tas ir brīnišķigi, franči mīl vīnu (arī es), viņiem patīk vīnu un ēdienu savstarpējā kultūra). Iesācējiem labākie bezmaksas mācību resursi:
1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/tutors/courses.shtml  (nav jāreģistrējas, dažādas tēmas, dialogi, gramatika, testi,krustvārdu mīklas utt., te ir viss...)
2. http://www.tv5.org/cms/chaine-francophone/enseigner-apprendre-francais/Premiere-classe/p-2040-lg3-Premiere-classe-To-start-learning-French-online.htm (nav jāreģistrējas, video, audio nodarbības, interesanti uzdevumi zināšanu nostiprināšanai)
3. http://www.livemocha.com/ (jāreģistrējas, bet pieejams tulkojums latviešu valodā, bezmaksas tikai paši pamati/basics)
4. http://www.ielanguages.com/frenchindex.html (ļoti plašs klāsts ar tēmām, teicieniem, gramatiku, audio, slengs, mācību literatūras rekomendācijas)
5. http://www.jr.lv/lv/veikals (A Dorling Kindersley Book. Noderīgas frāzes, dialogi, bildes, franču ēdienkartes ceļvedis, izruna atveidota latviešu transkripcijā, vizuāļiem -īstā lieta(!) + maza un ērti paķert līdzi, lai palasītu vilcienā)
6. http://www.jr.lv/en/veikals/prece/index.html?shop_id=128342  (Latviešu-franču sarunvārdnīca + īss gramatikas apskats)

Ja jātulko vārdi/teksti, šeit online vārdnīca (plašs valodu klāsts, arī lv):  http://translate.eu/
Bonne chance!

*Vīns dzīvē nav viss, bet dzīve bez vīna ir nekas – šī frāze precīzi raksturo franču attieksmi pret vīnu.


c'est moi

[NEUF] in french means "9", i took it because most of things in my life happens in date nr. 9. this will be place where I will gather all info of my passion on things I love and maybe it will be useful or/and interesting for you too.